Welcome to the Matters of Her Heart blog! I am excited to have you join us in our pursuit of growing to love and serve Jesus Christ with all our hearts!
The purpose of Matters of Her Heart is to encourage young women to love and serve Jesus Christ wholeheartedly, by His grace. The theme verse is 1 Samuel 16:7b:“For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” The focus of this ministry is on “heart matters”, for that is what the Lord sees and the fruits of the Spirit flow from hearts claimed by Jesus Christ.
God led Christina Book to start this ministry on February 1st, 2012. After Christina enjoyed a special time in the woods, praying, and thinking about the Lord, she wrote an article about delighting in Christ and emailed it to her friends. Since that first email, Christina has continued to send encouraging emails to young ladies every month. These email articles consist of Christ-centered, Biblical encouragement, testimonies from subscribers, and seasonal photographs. The readership has increased from thirteen girls to more than sixty! By the grace of God and with help from her family, ladies in her community, and friends, Christina has also coordinated young ladies fellowship meetings on the following topics: “Love the Lord with All Your Heart”, “True Beauty” and “Surrender to Christ.” She plans to host more meetings in the future.
This ministry is all of God, by His grace, and for His glory. He is the One at work and He is the One who is worthy of all devotion and praise! Please pray for this ministry and its future direction and growth.
Thank you for visiting our blog. I will be sharing updates and encouragement, as the Lord leads. If you have questions, comments, or would like to subscribe to the monthly emails, please contact me at mattersofherheart@gmail.com. Thank you!
In the love of our amazing Lord Jesus, Christina