Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Gift of Life!

Have you ever thought about how amazing it is to be alive? To breathe fresh air…To be creative...To eat yummy food…To cry…To sing…To smell the sweet scent of flowers…To feel…To have relationships…To know God…To laugh…There is so much beauty in this gift of life God has given us! In Him we have life, breath, and all we need. "He Himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything" (Acts 17:25b).

In our God, life is abundant. He makes "known to me the path of life" (Psalm 16:11a), is our "fountain of life" (Psalm 36:9b), "redeems your life" (Psalm 103:4), He will "keep your life" (Psalm 121:7), and so much more.

Enjoy your life today, knowing that it's a gift from God. Live it to the fullest! Enjoy it in the Lord, knowing that it's absolutely amazing to live for Him and in Him.

"I came that you might have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10b

Enjoying life with you,

Soli Deo Gloria ~ To God Alone Be the Glory