Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Encouraging Modesty

Just the other day I was chatting with a friend on the phone while eating my breakfast, putting on my make up, brushing my teeth, and packing my lunch (but, don’t worry, not all at once…). At one point in our conversation, she started telling me about a sweet, wise girl she had recently enjoyed getting to know. I had already met the girl she was referring to and thought to myself, "She dresses immodestly". I struggled to think highly of this young lady (though my friend, who I think highly of, was encouraged by her) because of my perception of how this young woman dressed.

When we see immodesty in others, it’s easy to judge them or jump to conclusions about them based on their clothing. But Jesus said that we are never to judge, but rather check our own heart motives before helping each other (Matthew 7:1-5). If we aren’t to judge or devalue others because of how they dress, what are we to do? We see the answer in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, where it says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” God doesn’t want us to “tear each other down” in any way, but rather, build each other up in every way that we can.

Think about it as if we are each building the sand castle of our lives. We will make mistakes along the way and will need to do some rebuilding. But we should never tear down each others' castles (or lives). Rather, we should help with the building and rebuilding as we work together. What might this look like in the area of modesty? Here are some ideas:

  • Seek to comment on modest outfits instead of immodest ones. 
  • Go shopping with friends who share your modesty convictions, or if they don't, be willing to express your convictions with grace.  
  • Share modesty style tips and even outfits!
  • Talk about modesty without looking down on or comparing to others. 
  • Study God's perspective of modesty from Scripture together.
  • If you have a close relationship, gently and lovingly express cautions or concerns regarding certain outfits. 
  • Talk about your personal life lessons or stories that you've experienced in regards to modesty (I love to do this!). 
  • Focus on heart issues of modesty instead of hemlines (or necklines, or sleeve lengths, or whatever!), remembering that what is on the outside is a reflection of the heart.

We all need encouragement. It’s not easy to pursue modesty alone (though we may need to at times!). Whenever we can, we should seek opportunities to build each other up in this area and help each other. Just as Paul urged the Thessalonians to walk in God, pursuing sanctification and fleeing sexual immorality (and remember, immodesty can lead to this, in ourselves and others), so I urge you to do the same and also to urge each other to do so.

“Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more. For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality.” 
~ 1 Thessalonians 4:1-3

We're in this together! Modesty is such a beautiful pursuit. Let's pursue it side by side, building into each other's lives with love, grace, and encouragement.

I hope that by God's grace I have been able to encourage you in modesty these past couple months. This is such a huge topic and I’ve only scratched the surface. But I pray God has been working in your heart as we've look at what His Word says about how we dress. We are nearing the end of the modesty series! Be watching for a couple more posts on the blog as well as the August email on modesty!


Soli Deo Gloria ~ To God Alone Be the Glory! 

Photo Credit: Leanna B.